Your descriptions are so vivid - "My heart would race in my mouth. My tongue would go bitter. From the moment I knew I'd have to speak next, it was like I didn’t hear or see anything going on around me, while my body would burn up. In this instant feverish panic, I’d forget everything I’d wanted to say."

I now so badly wanted to learn how to think from the body. Can't wait to read what you cook up next!

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Malavika, you're really becoming one of the most prolific people I know! Super excited to see how this newsletter evolves. Your writing is so vivid and so clearly rooted in your body and I look forward to learning this skill from you!

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Malavika, congrats on launching the newsletter! What a fascinating perspective this is. I can't wait to read and learn more.

I also watched the Ode to Joy video. What did I feel? Every musician joining the band was another lump in my throat. As the momentum built up, my eyes became watery. I got emotional. My head was saying, "See how beautiful that is? Why don't you finally learn how to play a musical instrument?" :)

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